Author CM Foss

Author CM Foss

Why did you decide to become a writer?  I have no idea. I’ve always read and I’ve always been good at English. I had a mom-blog for a while just to keep family and friends up to date, and my dad always said I should write. I’m not sure he was prepared for me actually...
Match: A Supernatural Thriller

Match: A Supernatural Thriller

Author: William Massa Title: Match: A Supernatural ThrillerMy Rating: Purchase Links: SYNOPSIS From the bestselling author of SILICON MAN and FEAR THE LIGHT. AN OBSESSION FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE... Online dating. A great way to connect in a wired, increasingly busy...
Cover Reveal: SWING

Cover Reveal: SWING

Author: Carly Grey, Missy Johnson Title: SwingThis book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.SYNOPSIS The last thing I expected from my husband for our anniversary was another man....
Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba

Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba

Welcome Author, Blogger, Reviewer!  Danielle-Claude Ngontang Mba. Thank you Danielle for taking the time to join Fabulous and Fun for our Featured Friday! “My life journey is like my playlist, amazingly unique but full of contradictions with surprising joys with every...
Author CM Foss

Jeff Joseph

For this weeks Feature Friday post, please welcome author Jeff Joseph. Author of A Novel Obsession,Pursued, and The Trials of Virtue. Thank you Jeff for taking the time to answer our interview questions! Why did you decide to become a writer?   Most of my adult life,...