Creepy Crafts

Creepy Crafts

Creepy Crafts I am an artist and love to create things. But I prefer to create odd and strange things because it’s more fun. 🙂 I had been watching Ashley Voortman on TikTok. Her videos are so much fun to watch. I always find myself thinking how I wish I could...
Fall Guy Review

Fall Guy Review

The Fall Guy movie (2024) stars Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. The movie was released May 3, 2024. The synopsis on IMDB says “A stuntman, fresh off an almost career-ending accident, has to track down a missing movie star, solve a conspiracy and try to win back...
Review of Ghosts of Honolulu

Review of Ghosts of Honolulu

The first time I had heard about Ghosts of Honolulu was near the beginning of the year. Someone had mentioned it in a reader group that I am in on Facebook. They did not say much about it, just that they were reading it. At that time I did not know who the authors of...
Alcatraz: The Last Escape

Alcatraz: The Last Escape

Author: Ken Widner, Mike Lynch Title: Alcatraz: The Last EscapePublished On: May 7 2024 Genres: Crime My Rating: I received this book for free from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my...
The Thing Under Your Bed by Stephen Kozeniewski

The Thing Under Your Bed by Stephen Kozeniewski

Author: Stephen Kozeniewski Title: The Thing Under Your BedPublished On: 30 April 2023 Publisher: French Press Pages: 91 Format: eBook Purchase Links: SYNOPSIS There’s something under your bed. It hates you. It wants to devour you and everyone you love. Dad’s at work....
The End by Kayleigh Dobbs

The End by Kayleigh Dobbs

Author: Kayleigh Dobbs Title: The EndPublished On: 30 November 2023 Publisher: Black Shuck Books Pages: 116 Format: eBook My Rating: Purchase Links: | SYNOPSIS A collection of horror and comedy/horror stories with an apocalyptic theme. I enjoyed reading this book. It...