Review: Extinction Inferno

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Reviews | 0 comments

Review: Extinction InfernoAuthor: Anthony J. Melchiorri, Nicholas Sansbury Smith
Title: Extinction Inferno
Published On: October 1, 2019
Pages: 454
My Rating:

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The government said the Variants were dying off...
That the beasts would be extinct in a matter of years...
That the Allied States had returned to prosperity and freedom ...

The government was dead wrong. Deep under the cities, the Variants weren't just hiding, they were breeding. While the human survivors of the Extinction Cycle built outposts and brought back industries, the monsters were building something of their own. Working with human collaborators, they constructed a vast underground organic network to control this new army and launch a blitzkrieg assault across the Allied States. After tunneling under the walls, the beasts managed to overwhelm even the most fortified outposts. Many of them fell within days, forcing the military to abandon bases and retreat.

But not everyone is on the run. Team Ghost hunts a monster behind enemy lines that could change the tide of war. On the USS George Johnson, Doctor Kate Lovato and her team of scientists seek to understand and tap into the Variant network while oil tycoon S.M. Fischer and his engineers come up with a plan to help buy time for the remaining outposts. And, at Outpost Portland, Captain Reed Beckham and Master Sergeant Parker Horn investigate a frightening conspiracy involving the human collaborators.

As the Variant armies surge across the Allied States, those working to stop them realize even desperate measures may not be enough to prevent the total annihilation of their country.

Also by this author: Extinction Horizon, Extinction Edge, Extinction Age

About Anthony J. Melchiorri

Anthony J Melchiorri is a scientist with a PhD in bioengineering. Originally from the Midwest, he now lives in Texas. By day, he develops cellular therapies and 3D-printable artificial organs. By night, he writes apocalyptic, medical, and science-fiction thrillers that blend real-world research with other-worldly possibility. When he isn't in the lab or at the keyboard, he spends his time running, reading, hiking, and traveling in search of new story ideas.

Read more at and sign up for his mailing list at to hear about his latest releases and news.

About Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Nicholas Sansbury Smith is the author of several post-apocalyptic books and short stories. He worked for the State of Iowa for nearly 10 years before switching careers to focus on his one true passion—writing. When he isn’t daydreaming about the apocalypse he’s likely racing in triathlons around the Midwest. He lives in Des Moines, Iowa with his family and several rescued animals.

For more info, visit him at:

Great Story! I enjoyed all of the action and the story line.

Rating Report
Overall: five-stars