What happened to March?
How is it almost June?
What happened? Did we enter the Twilight Zone?
Well the week of March 9th began just as a normal week. We spent our days with our normal routines of getting ready for work and school. We were looking forward to the 14th when we had planned on going to Knott’s as a nice family outing, the band was practicing and working hard to prepare for the SCSBOA Band Festival on the 18th. I remember laughing at the memes that were floating around about the week and it not only going to be Friday the 13th, but also a full moon and the time change. Later in the week on the morning of the 12th, the crazy started. Got a message from the band director to post messages on the website and email the parents that all of our events were now cancelled. WOW!!!! Then I get a message from the 3rd grader’s school, that Scouts are no longer allowed to meet on campus until further notice. So I had to scramble to figure out what I was going to do about our Girl Scout troop meeting that afternoon. With no time to arrange a new meeting place we ended up having to cancel that meeting. Friday morning all normal with getting everyone off to work and school.
By the time noon rolled around I was hearing that school was CLOSING! I was beyond shocked…..WHAT? Then my next thoughts rolled on to my 11th grader who just adores school and it’s so very important to her.
That’s when all hell seemed to break lose, the world went bat shit crazy and horded all of the toilet paper of all things. SMH! Everything started closing and getting cancelled. Next thing we knew the hubby was out of work, and we were all stuck at home. Being disappointed by all the things we planned not happening. Girl Scouts has been not allowed to meet in person, we’ve been doing it virtually, which is really kind of odd and can’t wait til we can meet in person again.