The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers by Mitzi Szereto

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Reviews | 0 comments

The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers by Mitzi SzeretoAuthor: Mitzi Szereto
Title: The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers
Published On: 19 November 2019
Publisher: Mango Publishing Group
Pages: 288
Genres: Crime, Nonfiction
Format: eARC

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Serial killers can be anywhere. And scarier still, they can be anyone.

Serial killers. Names like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer are often the first ones that spring to mind. But serial killers have been around for a very long time—and they’re not just limited to the male gender either. Some of these predators have been caught and brought to justice, whereas others have never been found, let alone identified. Edited by acclaimed author and anthologist Mitzi Szereto, The Best New True Crime Stories: Serial Killers reveals all-new accounts of true crime serial killers from the contemporary to the historic. The international list of contributors includes award-winning writers, true crime podcasters, journalists, and experts in the dark crimes field such as Martin Edwards, Lee Mellor, Danuta Kot, Craig Pittman, Richard O Jones, Marcie Rendon, Mike Browne, and Vicki Hendricks.

Fascinating! The book is a fast read. I found it to be interesting to read about the different killer mentioned discussed in the book. I’d recommend this book to anyone who has any interest in serial killers.