Beats Cover

Author: Kendall Grey
Title: Beats (Hard Rock Harlots, #2)
Published On: August 28th 2013
Publisher: Howling Mad Press
Pages: 229
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This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.


For months, shy drummer Jinx Hardwick has been silently crushing on her tall, dark, and scary bandmate, Toombs Badcock. Drawn to his frightening ink and scars, she yearns to uncover the shadowy secrets lurking behind his silver eyes, but Jinx is too intimidated to even look at him, let alone talk to him. When she stumbles upon Toombs and their manipulative lead guitarist Rax in a compromising position, Jinx realizes her chances of winning Toombs’s heart aren’t just a long shot—they’re nonexistent. To make matters worse, Jinx’s family needs her at home. She’s about to back away from it all—Toombs, the band, her dreams of fame and fortune—when Rax makes her an offer she can’t refuse: a no-holds-barred night alone with Toombs. There’s one small catch. She has to go through Rax to get it.

Also by this author: Strings

Definitely funny, occasionally a little more serious than you might expect, oh and yeah.. totally dirty! That pretty much sums up the story in Beats, the second installment of the Hard Rock Harlots series. An enjoyable book but some of the story lines really felt incomplete to me. Maybe they’re supposed to be continued in the next book but it just felt a bit too open for my tastes.

Somehow Kendall Grey has managed to top the raunchy factor of Strings with Beats, which has me very nervous for book number 3: Nocturnes.