Panoramic shot of Seattle Washington skyline from Queen Anne nieghborhood.Author: Janine A. Southard
Title: Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story
Published On: Digital: January 2015 | Print: February 2015
Publisher: Cantina Publishing
Genres: Contemporary, Humor
My Rating:

I received this book for free from Tour Host in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Source: Tour Host
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What can your phone do for you?

This is the story of a girl and her iPhone. No, that’s not quite right. This is the story of a middle-aged statistician and her best friend. Though she didn’t consider herself middle-aged. And the best friend was more of a roommate-with-whom-she’d-developed-a-friendship. And this description completely ignores the 6,000-year-old elf with whom the woman and her best friend enjoyed story gaming.

So let’s try this again.

This is the story of a woman who wished to find love, but who would rather play story games than actively look for it. Especially in the wake of a horrid break-up six months before from a man who had never sent her a single gift.

Until this Valentine’s Day, when she received a brand new iPhone in a box with his name on it.

Between story gaming and succumbing to the phone’s insidious sleekness, she learns that friendship trumps romance.

In Cracked! A Magic iPhone Story, award-winning author Janine A. Southard (a Seattle denizen) shows you how the geeks of Seattle live, provides a running and often-hilarious social commentary on today’s world, and reminds you that, so long as you have friends, you are never alone.




Morena’s new iPhone double-buzzed on the bathroom counter, perilously close to the washbasin.

“I didn’t know you’d decided to use this one exclusively,” Suzyn said, hoping Morena would donate the older Samsung to her. Unfortunately for Suzyn, that would never happen. Not only did Morena prefer her familiar old phone for work purposes, but she hadn’t actually noticed she’d transitioned to the new iPhone.

The iPhone was just so handy. Somehow, it was always there, as though it were tethered to Morena’s subconscious. Why, it was almost like it had followed her to the bathroom.

Morena shrugged and thumbed the unlock with her left hand while her right fished for the liquid eyeliner she knew was somewhere in her makeup kit. Why was it that the thing she wanted always shifted to the bottom? “I’m just gonna check Mãe’s location…”

There might have been an end to that sentence, but she was distracted by the hunt for the all-important eyeliner.

…and by the bright green heart that filled the screen. That was not the regular dashboard, nor was it the friend-finding app.

Suzyn giggled and knocked their elbows together over the laminate counter showing water stains from the ’80s, ’90s, and today. “If you can’t handle an iPhone, maybe you should just give your oversized thumbs a rest.”


This is a bit of a silly story. I did not love it, but I did not hate it. It gave me a good chuckle.

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