Author: S.A. Huchton
Title: Evolution Sage
Published On: May 6 2014
Series: The Evolution #2
Publisher: Self Published Genres: Adult Superhero Romance
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"Devastated by her choices, Candace Bristol is on the brink of losing it all: her mind, her hope, everything she thought she was.
But from the ruins rises new purpose. An enemy has emerged and it will take everything to combat this new threat. Broken as she is, picking up the pieces and carrying on might be the hardest battle to win, but it's either fight, or lose what little she has left.
Amongst the wreckage, hope still burns. The flicker of a flame kindles something within her she thought was dead.
Love can break you.
So, too, can it bring you back to life."

[usr 5]
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Many times the second book/movie/etc doesn’t quite live up to the original, and this is one of those cases where it manages to surpass it. Following the brutally gut wrenching ending of Evolution: ANGEL, Candice is left to pick up the pieces of herself and face two huge new threats, the minions of HEX, and her heart.
The story had a great pacing that balanced the romance, action, and everything else well without overdoing anything in particular. We get to see more of the other ANGELs both in and out of action, and get the full story on a few things that hadn’t been explained in the first book.
True to format though, not only does SAGE leave some fun story threads dangling out there for us to tug on later, it leaves off on one heck of a ‘to be continued’ moment!
Why did you decide to become a writer?
Well, I’m pretty sure I started writing as soon as I was reading. Whether it was creating terrible comic books or poetry, I’ve been doing this from the moment I knew what a story was. My mother read aloud to my brother and me from the beginning, so books have always been a part of my life. I didn’t fully commit to it until 2007, however, when a friend finally cajoled me into trying NaNoWriMo. I finally realized then that I probably wouldn’t be happy doing much else.
Who/what are your writing inspirations?
I tend to find inspiration in anything and everything. From listening to my kids weave their own little adventures as they sit in the back seat of my car, to the other authors I’ve gotten to know, the sources of inspiration are truly limitless for me. My biggest lightning strike moments tend to come when I’m in the shower or driving alone, as my mind has some quiet time to actually have ideas and think about them (this is more difficult than you think with three kids).
What are your favorite genres to read?
I’m a speculative fiction kinda gal, so when I’m reading it’s usually something in the Fantasy/Paranormal realm. I dip into Science Fiction from time to time, but tend to get bored if it goes on and on about tech too much (which is why my books don’t LOL).
Favorite writing food / snack?
Many a lunch/midnight snack of mine has been baby carrots and ranch dip. If I need an extra-boost, I have a stash of Cadbury mini-eggs on hand for the emergency.
What do you hope readers take away most from your writing?
Given that a lot of what I’ve written in the last year has a science angle to it, I think, first and formost, I hope people realize that science doesn’t have to be boring and full of jargon. The larger concepts of science fascinate me, but I’m hardly a scientist so I skip all the equations and formulas. If I can teach people a little something AND entertain them with a great story, that’s a huge accomplishment for me.
Who’s the favorite character of yours that you’ve written and why?
While I LOVE Jackson and Candace, I think my favorite character in the Evolution series is Candace’s cousin, Gabe. The conversations he has with Candace are always touching, humorous, compassionate, understanding, and have plenty of snark. They really have an amazing relationship, and he puts up with a huge amount of drama because of it.
What is your writing style? Outliner/Planner or Seat of the Pantser?
A bit of both. I used to be a straight-up pantser, but my style has developed it’s own sort of “organic planning”. Typically I just start writing, get a few thousand words in, and then call upon one of my Creative Sounding Boards to listen to me talk through some snags. From there I make loose lists of plot points I want to hit, but I keep it free to make changes as I go. I consider these lists “suggestions”. J
If someone wanted to become a writer, what tips would you give to them?
Read a lot. Learn grammar. Sit down, start writing, and keep going until you hit THE END. Repeat.
Have you ever purchased something from a late-night infomercial? If so, what?
No. That would involve me calling a stranger on the phone. Do. Not. Want.
If you could collaborate with any other author (living, dead, or undead) who would that be and why?
Neil Gaiman is an amazingly brilliant writer. I feel like I’d be in WAY over my head there, but it’s something to aim for.
If you weren’t a writer, what would you do?
Well, I’m also a freelance graphic designer, focusing on book covers, so I suppose I’d just do that. I’ve also done some audiobook narration work, so that’s another career option if I ever decided to hang up my author hat. Either way, I still get to tell stories, just in different mediums.
Coke, Pepsi, or?
Dr. Pepper if there is no coffee available.
What’s one thing people should know and/or don’t know about you?
Well, before I was writing, I had another life in the US Navy. I was enlisted for over five years, four of which I spent in Keflavik, Iceland. It was literally a life-changing experience as that’s where I met and married my husband and two of our children were born!