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Author: Rachael Wade
Title: Repossession (Keepers Trilogy, #1)
Published On: 2013-06
Series: Keepers Trilogy #1
Publisher: Rabbit Hole Press
Pages: 326
Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction
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Skylla only knows that she has been kidnapped and held prisoner by the foreign invaders and their human allies. And that the world is ending. Or so the humans think. The invaders have made it clear that their arrival is one of hostile intent, and as their takeover spreads, so does the panic across the globe. No one knows how to defeat them, or if it’s even sane to try.

Jet, Skylla’s human captor, is up for the challenge, though. A traitor in Skylla’s eyes, he is working with them. But Jet has his own agenda; one that doesn’t include babysitting Skylla or helping the enemies. And as the human race struggles to keep the invaders from achieving their goal, Jet and Skylla’s paths collide to reveal the truth behind Skylla’s abduction.

The invaders are headed for the water. Jet is headed for the water. But that’s the last place Skylla wants to be. That’s where the future of humanity lies, and where the bridge to their yesterdays was burned. On a mission to take back what is rightfully theirs, Earth’s population is determined to make sure this isn’t the end. But some endings were never theirs to begin with.

Also by this author:


[usr 5]
I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting myself into with reading Repossession having only read her contemporary works, but let me tell you. I am so glad that I did! My only issues at all were that the sex scenes didn’t seem to fit to me. And I ended up with this off the wall feeling that the book should have started about 3/4’s of the way through, told the rest of it in flashbacks and then picked up for the ending. Odd I know, but the thought of it just stuck in my head for some reason.

I really like that the story focuses a bit on some of the grittier and realistic (says the guy reading an alien invasion book) aspects of surviving when the world has gone to pot. Such as bartering for basic necessities such as even a place to lay down or the basic things we take for granted.

Poor Skylla better hang on for dear life because this story has more twists than a tornado! Full of action, romance, and suspense. This is one Sci-fi series you’re not going to want to miss. And my best advice is to make sure a pillow is under your chin when you get to the ending, because this cliffhanger will have your jaw on the floor!


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