Blood’s Song

by | Nov 24, 2017 | Release Days | 1 comment

Blood’s SongTitle: Blood's Song
Published On: Nov, 24th, 2017
Series: House Millar books #1
Publisher: Encompass Ink
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Vampires, Urban Fantasy
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Even in darkness, love lights the way.

Anya awakens alone and afraid in a new world soaked with blood and terror. The only things she knows for certain are her name and that humans are precious.

Unwilling to give in to her hungers, she sets her feet upon a path of discovery, searching for clues to her forgotten past. Along the way she runs headlong into the unimaginable world of the undead and the waiting arms of Nicholas, a fearless nocturnal defender searching for his love, lost in eternity.

Into their midst stumbles Declán, a young, natural born vampire hunter and Guardian whose passion for Anya is only matched by his draw to Nicholas. His arrival could mark the end of their tale, or with the gift of Anya's blood kiss, it might bring about the beginning of a new chapter for them all.
Fate has a wicked sense of sensibility…

About the Author

About Tempeste O'Riley

Tempeste O’Riley is an out and proud pansexual gender fluid whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what she couldn’t–defy the hate and come out. He has been her hero ever since.
Tempe is a hopeless romantic that loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though new to writing M/M, she has done many things in her life, though writing has always drawn her back–no matter what else life has thrown her way. She counts her friends, family, and Muse as her greatest blessings in life. She lives in Wisconsin with her children, reading, writing, and enjoying life.

Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®, Rainbow Romance Writers, and the WisRWA. Learn more about Tempeste and her writing at her website.

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1 Comment

  1. Tempeste ORiley (Tempe)

    Thanks for sharing! <3

Professional Reader
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