Dirty Thirty Blog Tour – The Scene Review
Books are timeless and it’s not always about the latest and greatest release. So we present Retro Reviews featuring a review we’ve done in the past.
Original Review Date: Sep 6, 2013

Dylan and Tatum. A dynamic duo that seemed to somehow combine Cagney and Lacey, Laverne and Shirley, and Lucy and Ethel all at the same time! The descriptions of them reminded me of Jane and Stacy Drop Dead Diva, and Mike was a ringer for Owen.
What can I say about Dylan, she’s as graceful in her investigation of the Los Angeles vampire scene as a bull on roller skates in a china shop would be. And just about as messy! Half the time you want to give her a big hug and the rest of the time you want to shake her silly.
“Ex-boyfriends, dead girls, and vampires, oh my!”
Nothing is what it seems in this twisty crime drama where everyone seems like a possible suspect. Did he? Did she? Did they? Are they real? No really, are they?! OMG! And just when you think you have this wild ride figured out. You don’t! This one sure got me as I did not see that ending coming! And I still have so many questions. Like, what’s with that door?! So happy the next book is already out because I need to go read it.
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Mom. Blogger. Artist
I’m a stay at home mom, of three amazing girls. They are my world! I love to create art of all kinds.

Blogger Extroadianire
A simple man with complex tastes. He’s able to leap genres in a single bound, enjoying a wide variety of books.
A lover of multiple fandoms he’s always willing to Boldy Go hunting Horcruxes as long as The Force is with him.
And for some reason decided that doing this bio in the third person sounded better.
But in all seriousness, I promote books and authors that interest me. I love covers and blurbs that catch my eye. And love to get lost in a forest of words.