Girl within Girl: Healing

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Spotlight | 0 comments

Girl within Girl: HealingTitle: Girl Within Girl: Healing
Published On: Sept 3 2017
Pages: 105
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Trapped in a mountain cabin with three, possibly four, women...every guy's dream, right? Or could it turn out to be a nightmare?
Dr. Sean Paisley needs to find out how to bring these women together - his survival depends on it. To make matters worse, he's in love with all of them...made passionate love to all of them. Throw in a nasty grizzly bear and the dark forces of the government and the situation becomes even more dire.
In the end, he was stuck with Belinda, a hysterical, suicidal, homicidal maniac of a person, confined together in the wilderness of the onset of winter. Now both their lives were at stake.
** Girl Within Girl is a dark erotic thriller that wanders through a sensual maze of manipulation and mind control. **


I woke up alone in the bed, my second morning in the cabin. I felt guilty that Sean had to sleep in the living room, on an animal hide on the floor no less, but he was the one that insisted. He said we should not have sexual relations during the time he would be my doctor. Of course, I agreed. I would agree with anything he told me, that’s how are far my trust in him had gotten to. The fact that I found him good-looking also helped. He had such a kind face, boyish, yet he spoke like someone very astute, as if he were older than he appeared to be.

I rose from the bed, breathing in the cool, refreshing mountain air, and went to look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Who was I? Honey blonde hair, wide blue eyes, a nose too big, long thin lips…not very beautiful, but attractive enough I guess. I had a nice body, athletic. I was lucky on that score considering I don’t work out or anything. It’s amazing how finely honed my figure was.

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About the Author

About S. P. Aruna

I'm a Cambodian woman of mixed blood, married to an aspiring author, and of course he had something to do with my idea to write entertaining fiction. We live in a little green house in the countryside in southern Cambodia. No kids yet, but we're working on it.
I live on a large plot of land and I enjoy taking care of my trees, plants, and flowers. I also love embroidery, stitching to make beautiful pictures. It's very meditative for me. And then I frame them and put them all over the walls of my house, which drives my husband crazy.
I'm a newbie when it comes to being an author, but being an avid reader with eclectic tastes (I enjoy reading just about any genre as well as non-fiction) has helped me in my plunge to write commercial fiction. Since I love erotic thriller type films, I decided to write an erotic thriller series. I like the challenge of devising a strong plot to embed my sexy scenes.

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