Hitch by Anne Conley – Release Day!

by | Dec 5, 2017 | Release Days | 0 comments

Hitch by Anne Conley – Release Day!Author: Anne Conley
Title: Hitch
Published On: 12-05-2017
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Amber Banks has her sights set on a fresh start at the Austin Police Department after a disastrous stint in her hometown. All she wants is to be a good cop and get the validation that goes with it. If she can get away from Dex, everything would be so much simpler. But her mama always told her nothing good ever came easy.

Dex Hollerman has just retired from the force and is trying to fit in with the guys he knows so well at Pierce Securities, only now, he’s on their side for a change. With Simon’s weird edicts hanging over his head, and his inability to get the woman who was made for cop porn fantasies out of his head, it’s a struggle.

There’s a mad gunman blowing up exploding targets in downtown Austin putting a hitch in their plans, so can they get past this crazy attraction to work together?

Or will it be their downfall?

Also by this author: , The Best Laid Plans of Boys and Men
About the Author

About Anne Conley

Anne Conley lives in a small town in East Texas, with her husband, two kids and numerous goats. She brazenly stole her pseudonym from her great-grandmother, a true pioneer woman who raised seven kids alone: churning butter, plucking chickens, knitting clothes, and putting coal oil on every visible wound. Anne’s Stories of serendipity feature real people, living life and finding love in a small town. She also has a Paranormal Romance series, the Four Winds about archangels “falling” in love and coping with turning into humans her writing is escapist therapy, and she succumbs to it every chance she gets.

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