Ok Danny Boy Vol 1 Chaos

Title: Ok Danny Boy
Published On: June 18, 2017
Pages: 228
Genres: Coming of Age, Young Adult
Format: eBook, Print
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The spin-off of “HER” is called “OK Danny Boy". This three part book series follows the story of an artistic and mysterious young man who Kristen meets during her stay in Bent Creek Hospital. Daniel proved to be a supportive peer, whom Kristen saw as a positive influence throughout her recovery. However, Daniel had not always been a role model. Daniel is diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder, OCD and Juvenile Diabetes. His story follows his journey throughout his healing and learning to cope with life’s transitions, coming of age, living with mental illness as well as a physical illness and the suicide of a close friend. Fans of “HER” will get to see what it was like on the other side of the Adolescent Ward.
Part one: "CHAOS" follows Daniel's life before he goes into Bent Creek Hospital during his mental breakdown.
Part two: "MONSTER" follows Daniel's story while he is in Bent Creek Hospital through his treatment.
Part three: "LOVE" follows Daniel after his treatment in Bent Creek Hospital into his recovery process.
*** This is part of a trilogy. These are the first two books in the OK Danny Boy series. The third book is to be released this summer. However, the OK Danny Boy trilogy is a spin-off of my first novel called “HER”. Daniel is a character from “HER” and OK Danny Boy is his story. It is recommended to read “HER” before the Danny Boy trilogy but it is not necessary. It is important to read Ok Danny Boy volume 1 before you read volume 2. ***
Thank you Felicia for taking the time to answer our questions. 🙂
Q. Why did you decide to become a writer?
A. It came naturally to me since I was about 7 years old. I started journaling and it turned into writing stories.
Q. Who/what are your writing inspirations?
A. I am inspired by every day life and true stories.
Q. What are your favorite genres to read?
A. I am all over the place! I love all genres. It just needs to be a good story. I read books by Maya Angelou, David Levithan, Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, etc.
Q. Favorite writing food / snack?
A. When writing, I like to snack on oranges.
Q. What do you hope readers take away most from your writing?
A. I hope that people can find the messages of hope within the books.
Q. Who’s the favorite character of yours that you’ve written and why?
A. So far, I love Kristen. She was based on my true life best friend named Holly. Holly died by suicide when we were 15 years old. She gave me a lifetime of wonderful memories of love and friendship. I wrote that book to pay homage to her.
Q. What is your writing style? Outliner/Planner or Seat of the Pantser?
A. I like to let the words just flow.
Q. If someone wanted to become a writer, what tips would you give to them?
A. Write from the heart.
Q. Have you ever purchased something from a late-night infomercial? If so, what?
A. No. LOL Maybe I should!
Q. If you could collaborate with any other author (living, dead, or undead) who would that be and why?
A. I would love to collaborate with David Levithan or Matthew Espinosa because I find them to be very interesting. David is my favorite author. I’ve met him several times and he has a very unique writing style. I love that David writes for our youth. Matthew Espinosa is hilarious. He has a great sense of humor. I think we’d be able to write something meaningful with a positive message through comedy.
Q. If you weren’t a writer, what would you do?
A. I can’t imagine. Don’t want to.
Q. Coke, Pepsi, or?
A. Tea
Q. What’s one thing people should know and/or don’t know about you?
A. Sometimes, I get strange reactions from people when I tell them that I battle BiPolar Disorder. Mental health issues aren’t always obvious. It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It does exist. Although some people hide it well, it is real.
Q. Is there a character that has the most “You” in them? Or the opposite of you?
A. I feel like I am a lot like Daniel.
Q. If we lived in a Fahrenheit 451 culture, which book would you want to memorize?
A. Hamlet
Q. Has anyone written a fan fiction based on your work?
A. I have no idea. LOL
Q. *Is [Felicia Johnson] a pen name? If so, why did you pick it?
A. Nope. That is my real name.
Q. Have you used Beta Readers? If so, what did you think of your experience and would you recommend it to other authors?
A. I have used Beta Readers. I found it to be an educational experience. It’s for some people, not all. I wouldn’t use it for every book that I write. When I feel it, I ask Beta Readers for help.