
Book Info

Author: R.M. Gilmore
Title: Sacrifice
Published On: February 3rd 2014
Publisher: Mac Gille Mhur
Pages: 262
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Occult & Supernatural, Suspense, Urban
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WARNING: Contains cynicism known to cause laughter and suspense that may effect heart rate.

Dylan has found herself in quite the conundrum. Locked in her apartment with an unknown voodoo beastie hot on her tail. She's tits deep in death and it's knocking down her door. Literally.

Endless Night left you with your heart pounding and your stomach in your butt. Sacrifice will flip you upside down and take you on a ride that will leave your knees quivering and your head lying on the floor...literally.

Also by this author: Endless Night, The Scene (Dylan Hart Odyssey of the Occult, #1)

Mike’s Review

[usr 5]

How do you top the last two books in the Odyssey of the Occult series? With this story right here is how! Stepping right back into the action of Endless Night we find Dylan, over her head, out of options, and crazy enough to jump out of the frying pan and right into the fire for the people she cares about!

Love love love Dylan, poor self-deprecating, foul mouth, no-filter-what-so-ever Dylan. My biggest frustration with her though is almost everything throughout this series has been more of a reaction to stuff going on around her. It’s about time she pulls up her big girl panties and gets ready to kick some ass!

No cliffhanger ending this time around, but you’ll be too busy pulling your jaw back up off of the ground to notice that. Take a little time, have some tea. and then once the shock has worn off you’ll be ready for book #4 – Forsaken!